Deb Bannigan
As Chief Executive and a Non-Executive board member of several organisations across the public, private and voluntary sectors, Deb is an experienced business leader. Specialising in strategic business development, she is a qualified accountant and holds both an MBA and a Doctorate in business administration, specialising in identifying and resolving the corporate beliefs and behaviours that stop organisations achieving their strategic objectives.
Applying her depth of knowledge to solve practical issues, Deb has delivered substantial growth in organisations from start-ups to £multi-million national businesses. She has a track record of building strong governance and delivering sustainability. She has built award-winning brands to communicate vision, mission and service offers in both B2B and B2C environments, including digital sales and marketing.
Deb has an extensive understanding of best practice in governance, having led Board-level reviews for several charitable businesses and established effective governance for new and transforming organisations. She has facilitated strategic partnerships and mergers and supported senior teams to define and achieve their corporate objectives.
As a Consultant, Deb’s clients have included Government Departments, NGOs, Housing Associations, Local Authorities, NHS service providers and charitable bodies.
Example projects:
- Board-level reviews to establish effective governance;
- Strategic reviews and troubleshooting;
- Development of comprehensive business strategies and plans;
- Examination of intra-organisational relationships to support improvements in corporate culture;
- Creation and implementation of sales, marketing and fundraising strategies.
Key areas of work:
Governance/Business Strategy/Financial Strategy/Business Planning/Corporate Culture/Change Management
Charities/Housing Associations/Digital Enterprise/Social Enterprise/Community Sports Partnerships/Independent Music/Theatre and Arts/Public Policy