Video: CT Webinar – Decarbonation: What Net Zero really means for your organisation

Find out what our panel of experts think the challenge of Net Zero ultimately means for organisations, and the people who manage them.

Key questions:

Chaired by James Tickell, the panel reflected on some of the key challenges, including:

  • Social value. The balancing act of maximising financial opportunities and mitigating risk whilst improving lives and communities. How a Net Zero journey can place the well-being of our communities at the very core, yet safeguard our operational and financial objectives and obligations (including regeneration).
  • Maximising grant. Are we bid-ready to maximise ‘retrofit revolution’ funding opportunities? Identifying your organisations strengths, and minimising the risk of an un-successful bid.
  • Strategic asset management. How to translate the challenge to solutions in your portfolio. How organisations can identify solutions, utilising potential hidden value, and unlock the true potential value of poorly performing assets.
  • Future-proof strategies? There is no doubt that how our approach to Net Zero can improve our existing corporate strategies and operational success. But is it that simple with our existing asset base?


  • Tracy Harrison, Chief Executive, NHC
  • Malkit Sagoo, Former Director of Assets at Midland Heart, currently completing research at Aston University
  • Joanna Hills, Director of Assets and Services, Raven Housing Trust
  • Sam Brett, Senior Adviser to RESAM and Director at Integ Consulting

To discuss any issues raised in the webinar, please feel free to contact James Tickell on:, or Jon Slade on:, or call: +44 (0) 208 830 6777.


Further reading:

  • CT Director, Jon Slade and Robert Kingsmill, Founder of RESAM, answer some of the unanswered questions during the webinar. Read here.

Video: CT Webinar – Decarbonation: What Net Zero really means for your organisation

Find out what our panel of experts think the challenge of Net Zero ultimately means for organisations, and the people who manage them.

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