Buying our services
Ensuring Campbell Tickell is the right fit for your project and organisation is as vital for us as it is for you.
How to buy our services
Engaging Campbell Tickell’s services
Having worked with more than 1,000 organisations across the UK, Ireland and beyond, we understand and are accustomed to procurement processes and requirements within the public and private sectors, and are happy to discuss the most appropriate route for your particular project.
If your organisation is able to commission directly, or you wish to invite us directly to tender or quote for a project, please get in touch.
Alternatively if you wish to procure via a framework, please see below.
Reach out to your regular point of contact within our Senior Team.
Email our bids and tenders team on:
Contact us by phone at +44 (0)20 8830 6777 – we’re here to help you.
Procurement Frameworks
CT’s consultancy and recruitment services can be purchased through a number of frameworks. Procurement frameworks help to streamline the selection and purchasing process, saving time and money.

Our interim and permanent recruitment services can be procured via Cirrus’s Agency framework. We are an approved supplier on the lots for recruitment of executive and management level staff.

CT’s recruitment services can also be procured via ESPO’s Strategic HR Services framework. Our consultancy services are available through ESPO’s Consultancy Services framework including: Lot 4b Social Care (Adults), Lot 8a Asset Management and Delivery and Lot 8e Housing and Housing Support.

We are on a number of other frameworks including NEPO, Bloom and Constellia’s Neutral Vendor Services Marketplace, and are happy to discuss the best procurement route for each project.
Find out more about procurement processes and requirements
Each framework operates differently, so please contact us, or the relevant procurement organisation for full details.