Video: Navigating the updated social housing consumer standards

The Regulator of Social Housing has now published the new consumer standards, with information about its new approach to regulation and from 1st April, it’s all change.

In this masterclass, our panel discuss the latest changes to social housing consumer regulation in England.

We explored:

  • What’s changed in the final standards
  • What to expect from inspection
  • Top tips for preparing well

With Q&A and breakout sessions – delegates had the chance to put their questions to all speakers.


  • Catherine Little, Director, Campbell Tickell
  • Ceri Victory-Rowe, Director, Campbell Tickell
  • Jon Slade, Director, Campbell Tickell
  • Kate Dodsworth, Chief of Regulatory Engagement, Regulator of Social Housing
  • Kathy McArdle, Barnsley Metropolitan Council, Service Director – Regeneration and Culture Growth and Sustainability Directorate
  • Richard Blakeway, Housing Ombudsman, Housing Ombudsman Services
  • Yaw Boateng, Chair, Tenant and Leaseholders Panel, London Borough of Croydon; Committee member, Stop Social Housing Stigma Campaign
  • Sarah Cartwright, Head of Housing, Sustainability and Climate Change, Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council.
  • Duncan Brown, Chief Finance Officer, VIVID
  • Jesse Fajemisin, Chair – National Housing Federation’s Smaller Housing Association Network
  • Paul Langford, Strategic Director of City Housing, Birmingham City Council


Regulator of Social Housing and Housing Ombudsman discuss social housing consumer standards

Local Authorities, including ALMOs discuss social housing consumer standards

Housing Associations including For-Profit Registered Providers discuss social housing consumer standards


Video: Navigating the updated social housing consumer standards

In this webinar, we discuss our joint report: New operating models.

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