We are pleased to bring you the brand new CT Brief – Issue 48: Customer edition.
The articles in this issue – most of which were written before the outbreak of COVID-19, explore the potential and challenges for organisations to create meaningful engagement. Authors discuss ways to create authentic touchpoints and overcome remoteness. As we emerge from the shadow of the global pandemic, this will matter more than ever before.
What’s inside?
Contributions from: Housing 21, Basis, Fold7, Housing Ombudsman, Local Government Association, The King’s Fund as well as contributions from the wider Campbell Tickell team.
Topics include: Managing COVID-19, societal change, remote working and virtual board meetings; understanding the customer; effective stakeholder engagement; improving customer service; behavioural insights for effective change; handling complaints and more!
Read the new CT Brief, 48 – Customer edition
This issue also marks a radical digital update to our CT Brief,so we hope you enjoy the new format! Do send feedback to Zina Smith on: zina.smith@campbelltickell.com