Homelessness review and strategy for Gateshead Council

Case Study

Homelessness review and strategy for Gateshead Council

Following an independent review and period of consultation with tenants, leaseholders and key stakeholders, Gateshead Council brought its arm’s-length management organisation (ALMO) back under its control.

The Brief

Recognising the need to transform its housing provision to support delivery of broader strategic vision and enabling Gateshead residents to thrive, the council commissioned Campbell Tickell to work collaboratively with it to deliver:

  • A homelessness review, new Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy and a Homelessness Charter
  • A review of its Allocations Policy, Strategic Tenancy Policy and a review of the existing Choice-Based Lettings Scheme

“Having the expertise and best practice from the field through Campbell Tickell has been invaluable. As has the methodical project management and excellent strategic guidance to make sure we are achieving our broad ambitions to deliver a new, innovative approach going forward.”

Vicky Sibson

Strategic Housing Services Manager, Gateshead Council

“This is an exciting time which represents an opportunity to effect real, positive change for Gateshead Council as well as our registered and commissioned housing and service providers, which will help shape any future models we develop.”

Kevin Scarlett

Service Director Strategic Housing and Residential Growth, Gateshead Council

Our Approach

We worked on the following:


The homelessness review involved pulling together a full picture of needs, through engagement with delivery partners, a survey of housing and support providers, and engaging with people with lived experience of the homelessness service.


To prepare the new Homelessness Charter, CT undertook a review of Charters across England, worked with stakeholders to refine the charter and to determine the best way to underpin the charter’s promises.


The parallel review of the Allocations and Strategic Tenancy Policy, and operational review involved stakeholder consultation across officers, councillors and service users, mapping customer access pathways and considering opportunities to better embrace technology.

The Results

CT’s recommendations were approved by the council. They commissioned CT to deliver the next phase of the journey, pulling together the homelessness, allocations and tenancy work streams into one review. This phase of the project included:

Recommissioning and remodelling homelessness accommodation and support

Developing a homelessness gateway model

Drafting a new Allocations Policy, Tenancy Strategy and Tenancy Management Policy

Supporting the implementation of a Gateshead allocations scheme and choice-based lettings system

CT continues to support Gateshead in its transformation of housing services, in the development of a digital marketplace for housing services, and in strengthening partnerships with registered and commissioned housing service providers.


Key Contact

If you would like to discuss our work, please get in touch.

Alistair Sharpe-Neal

Senior Consultant

+44 (0)20 8830 6777

Homelessness review and strategy for Gateshead Council

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