We are really pleased to share our brand new joint report in partnership with Disruptive Innovators Network, and supported by Salesforce: Artificial Intelligence and Social Housing!
Through these research projects, we attempt to shine a light on topical subjects but always through a practical lens. This one is no exception. AI is going to change the way we live and work, and social housing is not exempt from this.
The contributions in this report come from a range of perspectives, focusing mainly on the world of housing – but with lessons for all sectors. Above all, they remind us that AI is already here, improving processes, allowing better customer services, and occasionally getting things very wrong indeed.
We hope you enjoy reading this report as much as we did preparing it.
AI in social housing – report outline
- Welcome and introduction – From Campbell Tickell, Disruptive Innovators Network and Salesforce
- AI? It’s already here – Forget futuristic robots, artificial intelligence already has the capability to improve existing services
- Biases exist; AI reflects them – When implementing AI technology, organisations have an ethical responsibility to ensure the data used is fair
- Information overload – AI’s potential lies in its ability to handle very large data sets, improving both internal and external interactions, especially if organisations work together.
- In the frame: damp and mould – Why good design is at the heart of good engagement
- Risk and responsibility – As different forms of AI evolve, the organisations developing it and those using it need to be fully aware of the risks and responsibilities involved.
- The AI tradesperson – How one company is using AI to triage plumbing and heating jobs to ensure its operatives only go where they are really needed.
- Reaching out – AI can help landlords identify and assist their most vulnerable tenants
- The customer comes first – Using smart technology to fulfil residents’ desire for proactive engagement
DIN and CT would like to thank Gav Hollander once again for his time in researching and conducting the interviews for this report. He has an ability to take complex subjects such as AI and simplify them to make engaging and insightful content.
A special thanks to all of our contributors:
- Sam Nutt, Research and Data Ethicist, London Office of Technology and Innovation
- Julia Mixter, Executive Director of Business Services, Anchor
- Joanna Sedley-Burke, Associate Consultant, Campbell Tickell
- Ryan Dempsey, Founder and CEO, TCW
- Ettan Bazil, Founder and CEO, Help me Fix
- Jon Cocker, Chief Information Officer, Platform Housing Group and Rob Fletcher, Director of Data and Applications, Platform Housing Group.
- Vinay Parmar, Founder, Dhruva Star and Non-Executive Board Member, Curo
Ryan Dempsey, Founder and CEO, TCW on accountability and AI:
Joanna Sedley-Burke, Associate Consultant, Campbell Tickell on ethics and algorithims:
See all videos on the playlist
Webinar recording – AI in social housing, November 2024
Watch the recording of the report findings, recorded Monday 11th November 2024:
To discuss any issues raised in this report or further enquiries, please find below relevant contact details:
- Campbell Tickell: comms@campbelltickell.com
- Disruptive Innovators Network: ian.wright@disruptiveinnovatorsnetwork.co.uk
- Salesforce: tlancefield@salesforce.com