Case Study
Governance and risk management framework
Cabhrú appointed Campbell Tickell to review its governance policies and procedures, as well as its risk management arrangements.

The Brief
Cabhrú is an Approved Housing Body in the Republic of Ireland. Established in 1965, they provide accommodation to older persons in 175 properties across Dublin.
Cabhrú appointed Campbell Tickell to review its governance policies and procedures, as well as its risk management arrangements. This was to ensure they reflected best practice and met the requirements of the Charities Regulator and the regulatory standards, set out by the Approved Housing Bodies Regulatory Authority.
Our Approach
Our work included:-
Reviewing existing documentation and seeking the views of Trustees and senior management. Identifing areas of strength and areas where improvements could be made.
Drafting a new Trustee Handbook setting out the governance arrangements.
Working with Cabhrú to design a new Board and Committee structure with appropriate terms of reference.
Drafting a new risk management framework and working with Cabhrú to set up a detailed strategic risk register.
Facilitating a detailed training session on the revised governance and risk management arrangements for Cabhrú’s Trustees at their Away Day.
The Results
The new governance arrangements and risk management framework have enabled Cabhrú’s Board to focus on strategic matters with more detailed scrutiny provided by the Committees.
They are now better able to identify and manage the strategic risks facing the organisation and are well placed to continue to serve their customers.
Since our work on governance and risk, we have also helped the organisation review and revise its financial policies and controls and are currently helping to develop its five-year Strategic Plan.
Key Contact
If you would like to discuss our work, please get in touch.

Doug Wynne
Senior Consultant