Welcome to our governance and finance special issue – CT Brief 64
There is a strong mood of reflection in this issue – reflecting the uncertain times we live in and a desire for leaders to find their organisations anchored. There is awareness of the increased deprivation and desperation in communities, and the buffeting political weather of different governments. The tone is one of leadership humility and self-examination: a social housing sector that welcomes a re-set and needs to locate what purpose and impact mean when measured against a clutch of diffused aspirations.
We give some space to remember the tools and planning that help organisations find the right kind of financial resilience for them in the face of external pressures – whether financial modelling around rents and the delivery of business plans, the need to understand properly any complex financial instruments or what to think about in making mergers happen. We also link diminishing grant levels to the increased risk profile of organisations in housing through an analysis of regulatory gradings.
This is an issue encouraging you to grow and cultivate what matters and be unswerving in your pursuit of it. We hope it spurs some further, much-needed, discussions.
What’s Inside?
- Better Social Housing Review, Ian McDermott, Vice President, Chief Executive, Peabody
- Social purpose, James Tickell, Partner, Campbell Tickell
- Governance challenges, David Orr, Chair of Clarion HA, the Canal and River Trust, ReSI Housing and ReSI Homes
- Social rents, Victor da Cunha, Group Chief Executive, Curo Group
- Accessibility of governance, Emma Palmer, CEO, Eastlight Community Homes
- Supporting Chairs, Rosalind Oakley, CEO, Association of Chairs
- Board development, Ben Cairns, Co-founder and Director of the Institute for Voluntary Action Research (IVAR)
- ESG reporting, Nisha Makwana, ESG Reporting Consultant
- Business plan modelling, Phil Newsam, Senior Associate Consultant, Campbell Tickell
- Risk management, James Tickell, Partner, Campbell Tickell
- Financial resilience, Sue Harvey, Director & Catherine Romney, Policy and Research Officer, Campbell Tickell
- Making mergers happen, David Williams, Partner, Campbell Tickell & Glenn Allum, Senior Consultant, Campbell Tickell
- Resident focus, Catherine Little, Director, Campbell Tickell
- Future talent programme, Bébert Longi, Policy and Research Assistant, Campbell Tickell, and Future of London Emerging Talent Programme candidate 2022-23
- United for warm homes, Friends of the Earth
Read the new CT Brief – Issue 64
To discuss any topics raised in these articles, contact: comms@campbelltickell.com