Gera Patel
Gera has worked in the not-for-profit/social housing sector for over 26 years and joined CT’s employment as a Senior Consultant in 2008 and is now a Partner. She leads the practices’ HR, OD & recruitment business and is able to usefully combine this with her wider consultancy portfolio. She has a strong track record of working successfully with executive and Board teams, bringing insight, challenge and an approach that gets the best of people. She is effective in her support to candidates, helping them to develop their offers to their organisations and ultimately progress their career paths.
Her specialisms cover:
- Executive and non-executive selection and recruitment;
- Executive and non-executive performance appraisal;
- Organisational development; change management programmes; organisational structure reviews; strategic option appraisals including merger; and
- Reviewing and advising on all aspects of reward including, salary, benefits, pay structures, job evaluation, performance related pay and the employee value proposition.
Prior to joining the practice, Gera was Executive Director for People & Performance at AmicusHorizon one of six executives leading this 28,000 unit group. She joined the Board of ARHAG from 2007 – 2014 (a refugee support organisation) steering significant turnaround following a statutory enquiry.