Rosie Chapman
Rosie has in-depth experience of governance and regulatory issues in a wide variety of settings, including as Director of Policy and Effectiveness at the Charity Commission for 10 years and, previously, with a housing regulator.
A Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators, Rosie has a sophisticated understanding of charity governance and regulatory frameworks. As a Company Secretary, Rosie also understands organisations’ day-to-day practical realities.
Rosie is the independent chair of the Charity Governance Code steering group. The Group recently published an updated code of governance standards for charities, and this Code is being adopted as the sector’s standard.
Experienced at working on high level projects and inquiries; Rosie was the specialist adviser to the 2017 House of Lords Select Committee on charities. Previously, in 2014, she was Secretary to NCVO’s Inquiry into charity senior executive pay.
Rosie is a member of the Charity Law Association and sits on NCVO’s Advisory Council. She is currently a member of Business in the Community’s ‘CommunityMark’ Independent Approvals Panel, a trustee of the London Marathon Charitable Trust and of Amnesty International Charity Limited.
Example projects:
- Governance reviews for a range of charities, sports organisations and housing providers;
- Board evaluation and chair’s appraisal exercises for charities and housing providers;
- Tailored regulatory and compliance advice for charities and sports organisations, including assessing compliance against governance codes;
- Contributing to new regulatory standards and guidance for a housing regulator;
- Presenting at board and trustee training events;
- Mediation work between a chair and chief executive of a charity.
Key areas of work:
- Governance/ Board facilitation / Designing regulatory standards and guidance/ Compliance and assurance against Codes
- Charities / Housing Associations / Sport and leisure / Regulators (statutory and self-regulatory frameworks)