08 June: CIH Building Better Boards – In my Shoes with Lara Oyedele
Advocating racial and ethnic diversity in housing boardrooms
This event is exclusive to CIH members and will be particularly relevant to board chairs, board members and those working in governance-related positions.
In my shoes is a CIH presidential campaign, by Lara Oyedele, that seeks to raise awareness of the importance of racial diversity in the housing sector, drawing on Lara’s lived experience of the housing sector and racial adversity. The campaign will challenge the lack of ethnic and racial diversity in the boardrooms of housing organisations, providing a catalyst to galvanise positive change.
Boardrooms across the sector are not representative of the organisations or communities that they serve, join Lara to hear what we can do to challenge the sector, and ourselves in order to effect change.
Campbell Tickell:
CT Partner, James Tickell, will be speaking at the event.